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Twitter ex Jack Dorsey, Facebook hire? It nearly happened

It has long been part of Twitter's lore that Jack Dorsey was forced out as CEO of the fledgling social network in 2008 due to his perceived shortcomings as a manager. But until now, his near hiring by Facebook was a secret. In an excerptfrom his forthcoming book, "Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal," Nick Bilton tells the story of just how close Mark Zuckerberg came to bringing Dorsey aboard just as the Twitter co-founder was being fired. As Bilton, a reporter for The New York Times, relates in the excerpt, published today in The New York Times Magazine, Dorsey and Evan Williams, another of the company's co-founders, were butting heads, especially over Dorsey's management style, his growing distractions as he became a darling of venture capitalists, and how Dorsey seemed torn between his managerial responsibilities and his desire to be a fashion designer.
